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#include <windows.h>
// PROCBOX.H Defines and function declarations for ProcessBox
// VERSION 2.00
// ** OVERVIEW **
// PROCBOX.DLL provides a simple way to implement time-consuming processing steps (I call these
// "Processes" in the rest of this file) which the end-user may wish to cancel. As a programmer,
// you provide an "_exported" callback function (the Process Box Callback, PBCALLBACK) which
// performs actions in response to messages sent to it by PROCBOX.DLL.
// PROCBOX provides a dialog box which displays a graphical %done gauge indicator and a
// CANCEL button.
// PBCALLBACK is an _exported callback which you write. PBCALLBACK can be implemented
// with a switch statement - similarly to other standard Windows callbacks. Like Windows
// Hook callbacks, the switch variable is called iCode. There are iCodes (detailed below)
// which signal initialization, deinitialization, processing and cancellation.
// One of the important functions of PBCALLBACK is to perform a small chunk of the Process
// (eg., reading a big file from disk) when it is sent a PBC_PROCESS code. Between
// processing of the PBC_PROCESS code, multiprocessing can occur. The PBC_PROCESS message
// will be sent repeatedly until
// (2) User presses "CANCEL" (in standard ProcessBox), OR
// (3) Custom Process Dialog Box Procedure calls SetCancelState(hwndPB, TRUE)
// You should never call PBCALLBACK yourself. This is handled behind the scenes in
// the ProcessBox(Ex), RunProcess or IterateProcess APIs. (In fact ProcessBox(Ex)
// calls the lower-level function, RunProcess. RunProcess in turn calls the
// lowest-level API, IterateProcess.)
// Several API functions provide a flexible interface
// for accessing the Process Dialog Box. There are three
// methods for implementing Process Box. They are listed
// below in increasing complexity.
// The first two implement modal dialog boxes. The calling
// application will halt until the process is complete (like
// calling MessageBox). The first two methods disable
// the owner window (and child windows) and setup their own
// PeekMessage loop (inside PROCBOX.DLL) and send PBC_PROCESS
// messages between calls to PeekMessage.
// The last method access Process Box as a modeless dialog
// (ie., PROCBOX.DLL does not implement the message loop)
// You are responsible for calling IterateProcess, the function
// which allows the dialog to process a chunk of the Process.
// Using the last method you could, for example,
// cause processing to occur in response to WM_TIMER messages
// or within your own custom PeekMessage loop.
// (1) Single Callback Modal - One simple function call.
// - Only one Callback/Process Box
// - Process Box is destroyed after
// Process is finished.
// (2) Multiple Callback Modal- Requires several function calls.
// - Several Callbacks can be used (sequentially) with
// one Process Box.
// You handle Process Box creation/destruction.
// (3) Low-level - can be used to implement several multiprocessed Process Boxes
// in a single application environment
// - you must provide the IsDialogMessage() handlers for each process
// box in your message loop and call IterateProcess to
// process each chunk of the PBCALLBACK Process.
// Single Callback Modal Interface:
// --------------------------------
// ProcessBox
// ProcessBoxEx
// The ProcessBox and ProcessBoxEx functions are similar to the MessageBox Windows API.
// Program execution halts at ProcessBox(Ex) and does not return until the process
// has completed.
// Multiple Callback Modal Interface:
// ----------------------------------
// CreateProcessBox *
// AttachProcess *
// RunProcess
// DestroyProcessBox *
// (* also used in Low-Level Interface)
// The functions used in this method expose a lower level of the interface for
// Process Box. In fact, the Single Callback Modal method is a wrapper around these functions.
// By directly using these functions (in the order listed). You can create several
// Process Boxes, attach different callbacks to them, and start them running.
// Alternatively, you can create a single process box and attach and run
// several different callbacks (sequentially) using a series of AttachProcess/RunProcess
// calls. After you're done, call DestroyProcessBox.
// Note: calling RunProcess suspends execution of the calling app in the same
// way that ProcessBox(Ex) does.
// Low-Level (Multiple Callback Modeless) Interface:
// -------------------------------------------------
// Multiple Modal Interface Functions (-RunProcess)
// IterateTaskProcesses
// IterateProcess *
// GetProcessBoxFirst *
// GetProcessBoxNext *
// IsProcessMessage
// * IterateTaskProcesses calls IterateProcess and GetProcessBoxFirst/Next for you
// you shouldn't have to use these functions if you call IterateTaskProcesses
// The low-level interface uses all of the functions listed above in Multiple Callback Modal
// Interface except for RunProcess. Instead, you should use the IterateProcess
// function to call send a PBC_PROCESS code to PBCALLBACK and respond appropriately
// to the callback responses. (ie., drawing the Gauge indicator, changing the Title
// caption, etc.). In fact, RunProcess is nothing more than a PeekMessage loop
// which contains a call to IterateProcess.
// The return value from IterateProcess indicates whether processing is NOT done
// (PI_CONTINUE), processing IS done (PI_END), an error occurred (PI_PROCESSERROR),
// or cancel was pressed (PI_CANCEL). You'll have to provide code to handle this and
// call IterateProcess again (if necessary). When the process is done or failed
// call DestroyProcessBox.
// Note: IterateProcess sends the PBC_CANCEL messages to the CALLBACK when
// necessary. You should not do this yourself!
// Custom Process Box Interface:
// -----------------------------
// CustomProcessBox - analogous to DialogBox. Creates a modal custom process box
// CustomProcessBoxParam - analogous to DialogBoxParam
// CreateCustomProcessBox - analogous to CreateDialog
// CreateCustomProcessBoxParam - analogous to CreateDialogParam
// SetCancelState - used inside a Custom Process Box procedure to indicate
// that the process should be canceled
// Process box function declarations:
// ProcessBoxEx - Single-step, easy to use API.
// Handles all the functions to setup/destroy the process dialog box
// and start/finish a process.
// Returns when the process is complete, cancelled or an error occurs.
// PBE_OK (on successful completion) or
// PBE_<ERRORCODE> (see below)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern int CALLBACK ProcessBoxEx( HWND, // hwnd - owner window
LPSTR, // lpszTitle - Title bar text
LPSTR, // lpszMessage - only used if PB_MESSAGE is set in wFlags
UINT, // Xpos - screen coordinate. Only used if PB_CENTER is NOT set in wFlags.
UINT, // Ypos - screen coordinate. Only used if PB_CENTER is NOT set in wFlags.
FARPROC, // Procedure-Instance address of user-defined CALLBACK (returned by MakeProcInstance)
LPARAM, // lUserData - user-defined data.
WORD) ; // wFlags - control behaviour of ProcessBox
// ProcessBox -
// Simplified wrapper around ProcessBoxEx.
// "default" behaviour: wFlags = PB_CENTER, lpUserData=NULL
extern int CALLBACK ProcessBox( HWND, // hwnd - owner window
LPSTR, // lpszTitle - Title bar text
FARPROC); // Procedure-Instance address of user-defined CALLBACK (returned by MakeProcInstance)
// CreateProcessBox - Creates and initializes the process dialog box
// RETURNS: window handle of dialog box or NULL on error
extern HWND CALLBACK CreateProcessBox(
HWND, // hwnd - owner window
LPSTR, // lpszTitle - Title bar text
LPSTR, // lpszMessage - only used if PB_MESSAGE is set in wFlags
UINT, // Xpos - screen coordinate. Only used if PB_CENTER is NOT set in wFlags.
UINT, // Ypos - screen coordinate. Only used if PB_CENTER is NOT set in wFlags.
WORD) ; // wFlags - control behaviour of ProcessBox
// AttachProcess - Attaches a user-defined callback procedure to a dialog box
// - If a process is already attached to this dialog box, it is
// sent a PBC_CLOSE code before the new process is attached.
// Notes: Use AttachProcess(hwndPB, NULL); to close the existing process
// RETURNS: PBE_INVALIDHANDLE (process box handle was invalid)
// PBE_CLOSE (previous callback had error closing)
// PBE_OPEN (new callback couldn't open)
extern int CALLBACK AttachProcess(
HWND, // hwndPB - handle of process box to attach callback to
FARPROC, // PBCallback - procedure-instance (MakeProcInstance) of _exported Callback function
LPARAM); // lUserData - User data
#define DetachProcess(x) AttachProcess(x,NULL,NULL)
// DestroyProcessBox - Closes the attached callback and destroys the Process Dialog Box
extern int CALLBACK DestroyProcessBox(HWND /*- hwndPB*/);
// RunProcess - Sets up a PeekMessage loop and starts sending PBC_PROCESS
// messages to the callback.
// HWND hwndPB - a valid handle returned by CreateProcessBox
extern int CALLBACK RunProcess(HWND); // phwndPB - the process box to run
// IterateProcess - Sends one PBC_PROCESS code the PBCALLBACK
// - Responds to PBCALLBACK Response Codes (PBCR_XXXXX)
// PI_CONTINUE - processing is incomplete
// PI_END - process completed OK
// PI_PROCESSERROR - callback returned an error
// PI_CANCEL - user canceled operation
extern int CALLBACK IterateProcess(HWND ); // hwndPB - Process Box to iterate
// GetProcessBoxFirst - Returns the first Process Box in the current task's list
// (This list is maintained by PROCBOX.DLL)
// RETURNS: hwndPB - handle of first Process Box
// NULL - failure
extern HWND CALLBACK GetProcessBoxFirst();
// GetProcessBoxNext - Given a valid Process Box handle (returned by
// CreateProcessBox), returns the next Process Box in the list
// RETURNS: hwndPB - next Process Box
// NULL - failure
extern HWND CALLBACK GetProcessBoxNext(HWND); // hwndPB - Current process box handle
// IsProcessMessage - Like IsDialogMessage, but for ProcessBoxes
// Determines if the message is for the given HWND
// and if the HWND is a ProcessBox. If it is, then
// the message is dispatched.
// NOTE: Passing NULL as hwndPB allows you to check whether the Message
// is for any of the available Process Boxes
// RETURNS: TRUE - message was a Process Box message and was dispatched
// FALSE - not a Process Box message
extern BOOL CALLBACK IsProcessMessage(HWND, // hwndPB - the PRocess Box to check
MSG far *); // lpmsg - MSG struct (returned from PeekMessage or GetMessage)
// IterateTaskProcesses
// - Loops once through all the ProcessBoxes in the current task
// and calls IterateProcess for each.
// - If IterateProcess return != PI_CONTINUE, then the loop stops
// IterateProcess returns hwndPB (process box which caused the break)
// and pState = the return value from IterateProcess
// IterateTaskProcesses calls GetProcessBoxFirst, GetPRocessBoxNext,
// and IterateProcess for you. You should not have to use
// these functions if you call IterateProcess in a message loop.
// hwndPB - handle of last Process Box to be iterated
// or NULL if no process boxes exist in the current task
// (NOTE: hwndPB not necessarily = last Process Box in the task's list
// since the loop can break if one of the processes has an error,
// is cancelled or ends).
// RETURN PARAMETER: *lpState = IterateProcess return value
// - if hwndPB != NULL,
// *lpState = PI_CONTINUE (IterateProcess returned PI_CONTINUE for all ProcessBoxes)
// or PI_????? (Loop stopped at hwndPB)
// - if hwndPB == NULL, *lpState = NULL
extern HWND CALLBACK IterateTaskProcesses(int far *);
// CustomProcessBox - Runs a custom modal Process Dialog Box
// - very similar to a call to DialogBox
// - first four parameters are identical to DialogBox
// RETURNS: Same as ProcessBox(Ex)
extern int CALLBACK CustomProcessBox( HINSTANCE, // instance handle of module which contains the dialog template
LPCSTR, // address of dialog box template name
HWND, // handle of owner window
FARPROC, // procedure-instance handle of dialog callback function
FARPROC, // procedure-instance handle of process callback function
LPARAM); // lUserData - user data
// CustomProcessBoxParam - Runs a custom modal Process Dialog Box
// - analogous to DialogBox
// - first five parameters are identical to DialogBoxParam
// RETURNS: Same as ProcessBox(Ex)
extern int CALLBACK CustomProcessBoxParam(HINSTANCE, // hinst - instance handle of module which contains the dialog template
LPCSTR, // lpszDlgTemplate - address of dialog box template name
HWND, // hwndOwner - handle of owner window
FARPROC, // dlgproc - procedure-instance handle of dialog callback function
LPARAM, // lParamInit - user-data (passed as LPARAM during WM_INITDIALOG)
FARPROC, // procedure-instance handle of process callback function
LPARAM); // lUserData - user data
// CreateCustomProcessBox - Creates a custom process box using a
// a custom dialog template and dialog box procedure
// - analogous to CreateDialog
// hwndPB, window handle of Custom Process Box
// or NULL, failure
extern HWND CALLBACK CreateCustomProcessBox(
HINSTANCE, // hinst - instance handle of module which contains the dialog template
LPCSTR, // lpszDlgTemplate - address of dialog box template name
HWND, // hwndOwner - handle of owner window
FARPROC); // dlgproc - procedure-instance handle of dialog callback function
// CreateCustomProcessBoxParam - Creates a custom process box using a
// a custom dialog template and dialog box procedure
// - analogous to CreateDialogParam
// hwndPB, window handle of Custom Process Box
// or NULL, failure
extern HWND CALLBACK CreateCustomProcessBoxParam(
HINSTANCE, // hinst - instance handle of module which contains the dialog template
LPCSTR, // lpszDlgTemplate - address of dialog box template name
HWND, // hwndOwner - handle of owner window
FARPROC, // dlgproc - procedure-instance handle of dialog callback function
LPARAM); // lParamInit - user-data (passed as LPARAM during WM_INITDIALOG)
extern BOOL CALLBACK SetCancelState(
HWND, // hwndPB - handle of Custom Process Box
BOOL); // bCancel - set to TRUE to cause cancellation of process
// ProcessBox Flags:
#define PB_CENTER 0x0001 // centers Process box with respect to owner
#define PB_MESSAGE 0x0002 // enables the message display window
#define PB_HIDE 0x0004 // prevents the box from being shown (in ProcessBox(Ex)/CreateProcessBox)
#define PB_NOOWNERDISABLE 0x0008 // prevents default owner disabling behaviour
// (in ProcessBox(Ex) and RunProcess)
// ProcessBox CALLBACK iCodes (PBC_XXXXXX):
// These values are sent to the user-defined CALLBACK
// to indicate startup, processing, cancelation and closing
#define PBC_OPEN 1 // Indicates startup.
// CALLBACK should allocate memory and initialize
// variables and return success/failure.
// Failure will abort the process.
// No more messages will be sent to the CALLBACK.
// RETURN: TRUE (success), FALSE (failure)
#define PBC_CLOSE 2 // Indicates end of operation or destruction of ProcessBox.
// CALLBACK should free any memory it allocated (in PBC_OPEN)
// and return TRUE. Returning false will cause
// ProcessBox(Ex) and AttachProcess to return PBE_CLOSE (error during closing)
// NOTES: PBCallback is guaranteed to receive only 1 PBC_CLOSE
// code for each PBC_OPEN code.
// PBC_CLOSE is generated
// 1) After PBCallback returns PBCR_END or PBCR_ERROR
// 2) After PBCallback returns TRUE in response to
// 3) When AttachProcess(hwndPB, NULL, NULL) is called
// = (DetachProcess(hwndPB))
// 5) When the ProcessBox is destroyed.
// (eg.,DestroyWindow, DestroyProcessBox, application exit).
#define PBC_CANCEL 3 // Indicates that Cancel button was pressed
// RETURN: TRUE = OK to Cancel (PBC_CLOSE will be sent),
// FALSE = Continue operation (PBC_PROCESS will be sent)
#define PBC_PROCESS 4 // Indicates that processing should occur.
// CALLBACK should process a small chunk of the Process and
// return a Process Box CALLBACK Response
// RETURN: PBCR_ERROR = Indicates an error has occurred.
// PBC_CLOSE will be sent.
// PBCR_END = Finished processing normally.
// PBC_CLOSE will be sent.
// PBCR_CONTINUE = Processing isn't finished
// PBC_PROCESS will be sent.
// Process Box CALLBACK Responses
// responses to the PBC_PROCESS iCode (see above).
#define PBCR_ERROR -1
#define PBCR_END 0
// Process Box Error Codes:
// These values are returned by Process Box APIs
// IterateProcess has its own return codes (see below)
#define PBE_OK 0 // Function worked!
#define PBE_OPEN -1 // callback error during PBC_OPEN
#define PBE_PROCESS -2 // callback error PBC_PROCESS handling
#define PBE_CLOSE -3 // callback error during PBC_CLOSE handling
#define PBE_CANCEL -4 // user pressed CANCEL
#define PBE_CREATE -5 // failed to create Process Dialog Box
#define PBE_INVALIDHANDLE -6 // the handle to hwndPB was invalid or callback was invalid
// IterateProcess return values:
#define PI_CONTINUE 1
#define PI_END 0
#define PI_CANCEL -4
// Messages for Custom Process Box procedures
#define PM_SETGAUGE WM_USER+1 // WPARAM = iPercent (>=0, <=100)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // end #ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // #ifndef PROCESSBOX